Human Arrow
Some of us work in airports, some of us work in office buildings, and some of us clean homes. Some of us are doctors and teachers. Some of us dance, act, write, sing, design. Some of us raise the next generation. Our common ground is not what we do, but what we are committed to doing.
Human Arrow was founded on the belief that each of us can use the varied gifts of God to point others to His goodness. Since launching in 2013, Human Arrow is now a collective force of men and women across the U.S., and growing.
Under the leadership of Jasmine Wood, Human Arrow continuously strives to work and support like-minded ministries and do-gooders across the globe.
To contact our team with a question or invite Jasmine to speak at your event or Church, please use the form below. We'll get back to you. That's a promise.
Please remember to include the date and location of your event.