On Point
We feature articles from our growing community each month.
Letting Go: Our Trip To Israel
By Kim Davis
Dear Arrows,
In the days leading up to our boat ride, Max asked each of us to find a rock to toss into the Sea of Galilee; a rock that represented fear, anxiety, or a burden that needed to be left in the depths of the water. Something we didn’t want to carry back home.
Even before Israel received independence as its own country, my husband Terry and I dreamed of visiting Jerusalem. And not just Jerusalem, but other places where Jesus had walked like Nazareth, Capernaum, Jericho, the Jordan River, and Mt. Carmel. We knew that we didn’t want to just take a tour; we wanted this to be a spiritual pilgrimage.
When we learned last summer that one of our favorite Christian authors, Max Lucado, would be leading a pilgrimage and that Steven Curtis Chapman would join him as one of our worship leaders, we knew the time was now. We wondered if it would be a dry desert like in the movies, but to our surprise it was beautiful! There were rolling hills, beautiful flowers, palm trees and crystal blue waters.
Our pilgrimage began in Caesarea, where Israel began excavations in the 1930’s according to the stories and locations of the Bible. Entire 1st century villages were later discovered, and it was in this very place that Peter converted the first Gentile, Cornelius, when he sent for Peter to come and share the news of Jesus with him in the book of Acts, chapter 10.
As our group of over 500 believers listened intently to Max while he shared the conversion of Cornelius, it gave us chills to think that because Peter followed God’s calling, the hope of Jesus came to the Gentile people…you and me. There is room for everyone at the table, and it began right there.
In children’s Sunday school – which I have been teaching since I was 14 years old! – we sing a song called “Peter, James and John in the Sailboat”. It tells the story of the disciples fishing throughout the night without catching any fish. We had the opportunity to see fishermen boats on the Sea of Galilee, and sail along it with a larger group while Max taught and Steven Curtis led worship. It was amazing to see another boat with a group from Singapore pull directly next to us and join in singing “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” and “For the Sake of the Call” to our awesome God.
Finally, it was time to take the rock that represented our fears, and toss it away from our lives and into the sea. Steven led us in singing “I Surrender All” as we solemnly watched our rocks disappear. We were reminded that during the storms of our lives God's silence is not God's absence. Even when we wonder how long we will carry a burden, there is something about it that God is allowing for our benefit, though we may never know the answers to our “why” until we meet Him on the other side. Just like Jesus told the disciples in their own storm when fear took hold of them, “Take courage – I AM WITH YOU!”
As our boats pulled away, we broke into celebration and had a great time clapping and singing to the top of our lungs. God is always in full control. Keep your eyes on HIM.
Before leaving Israel, we had the opportunity to be baptized in the Jordan River. Most, like Terry and I, had already made that a part of our lives when we were teenagers, but it was a most sacred time of re-dedication as we stood in the same river where John the Baptist baptized Jesus. Many of our group members were baptized by Max in tandem; husbands and wives, friends, sisters, mothers and daughters chose Jesus together all over again. It was so special!
Thank you for inviting me to share.
Your Sister in Christ,
Kim and Terry Davis reside in Huntsville, Alabama. They are the proud parents of two sons, Matt and Stephen, and can't wait to take their next adventure.